The First Tee – Golf for Kids and Teens
Kids and Golf are a great combination. We all know that before we can teach them to run, they have to learn how to walk, and in between we teach them to putt, chip and drive. What better way to teach them about life than the game of golf. From birdies to triple bogeys, golf closely parallels real life as players experience the highs and lows of the game. Surely there must be a way to introduce more youth to the sport without parents having to invest a small fortune. Well, there is, and unfortunately, most people I speak with are unaware of this terrific organization, so I want to help spread the word.
Not only do they teach youth, ages 5-18, golf instruction, but also life skills, core values and healthy habits. Lessons are administered at chapters, military installations, and to students in elementary schools. Youth from all walks of life benefit by reinforcing values like integrity, respect and perseverance through the game of golf. You can bring your own clubs or usually they’ll have some available to use. Program prices are adjusted for income levels.

Nine Core Values
- HONESTY- Calling a penalty on him/herself if he/she breaks a rule.
- INTEGRITY- Maintaining composure and etiquette even when he/she thinks others are not watching.
- SPORTSMANSHIP- Treating otherskindly whether winning or losing.
- RESPECT – Following instructions and safety rules.
- CONFIDENCE- Identifying something he/she is doing well regardless of the outcome.
- RESPONSIBILITY- Taking care of the practice areas and course by repairing ball marks, replacing divots, raking bunkers, etc.
- PERSEVERANCE- Trying his/her best regardless of how he/she is playing.
- COURTESY- Remaining still and quiet while others are playing.
- JUDGMENT- Making healthy choices at the golf course, such as being physically active, drinking water and eating healthy snacks.

Nine Healthy Habits
- Energy- It is important to understand and make healthy choices about when to eat, how much to eat, and the types of food and drinks to provide the body with the most useful energy.
- Play- A variety of energizing play can help the body stay strong, lean and fit, and be fun in the process. Sleep and other forms of “re-charging” allow one to engage in play on a daily basis.
- Safety- Physical safety includes playing in a safe environment and by the rules, protecting the body with proper equipment, warm-up and cool-down and wearing sun protection.
- Vision- In order to make the most of one’s unique gifts—talents, characteristics and abilities— an individual needs to learn from the past, value the present, create their vision and future to ultimately “leave a footprint.”
- Mind- The mind is a powerful tool for health. One’s mind influences his/her emotions and behaviors and can be utilized for self-improvement, building confidence and maintaining perspective.
- Family- When family members participate in activities together – share meals, communicate and establish roles and responsibilities – they are more likely to be successful in achieving their health-related goals.
- Friends- Maintaining healthy relationships includes surrounding one’s self with friends and supportive people, while effectively handling challenging situations, including bullying and navigating the digital age with social media.
- School- Success in school – learning, building relationships and contributing to the school environment – leads to success in other areas of life.
- Community- Like the health of one’s body, it is important to also explore the health of one’s community and discover how one can give back and care for its environment and safety.
The following founding partners play a key role in creating awareness and providing support for The First Tee and their youth development goals:
- Ladies Professional Golf Association
- Masters Tournament
- PGA of America
- United States Golf Association
- Corporate Founding Partner – Shell Oil Company
- Legacy Partner – Johnson & Johnson
In addition, former President George W. Bush serves as Honorary Chair. He succeeds his father, former President George H. W. Bush, who served as The First Tee’s honorary chair since the organization’s inception in 1997 and is now Honorary Chair Emeritus.
They do appreciate corporate sponsorship, donations, and volunteers, so if you’re looking for a really worthwhile cause while promoting golf, The First Tee is your organization.
You can find the Tampa Bay Chapter of The First Tee here, or Find a Chapter in Your Area
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